It’s a little early but it’s official, the humpback whales are back in Maui waters. Book your whale tours NOW.

Why do Whales Come to Hawaii?

Well why wouldn’t they right?! It’s Maui. They are here on vacation. Kinda like a honeymoon and what do people do on their honeymoon? Have fun. Procreate. Some will also give birth and their little ones the aloha spirit.

Now we aren’t the only place that get to see the action. The rest of Hawaii, Central America, Mexico and Asia get these visitors as well.

According to the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, scientists estimate that as many as 12,000 humpback whales will migrate from Alaska. 

They will typically visit between November and May (Humpback whale season) with peak months being in January and March. Imagine a vacation that long on Maui. Lucky them!

Do Humpback Whales Eat Humans?

Only tourists. I’m just joking. No, humpback whales do not eat humans, at least not purposely. They eat krill (shrimp-like crustaceans) and small fish. BUT if you get close enough to them, they might accidentally scoop you up or even smash you. So keep a safe distance as noted later in the article.

Are Humpback Whales Protected?

Yes, humpback whales are protected by federal and state regulations.

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Hawaii Thrill Craft Rule

National Marine Sanctuaries Act

How Can You Help to Protect Whales?

  1. Observe from a safe distance of 100 yards by sea or land. And for you drone lovers… 1000 feet by air.
  2. Report sick, injured, entangled, stranded or dead whales to the NOAA Marine Mammal Hotline at 1-888-256-9840
  3. Slow down, this ain’t the mainland! Do on the water as you do on Maui roads. And be whale aware. Here is a boating guide by DLNR.
  4. Report violations to the NOAA Fisheries Enforcement Hotline at 1-800-853-1964. See something, say something!

Bonus Tip: If you want to look for whales, park it. Many fender benders occur because people are busy looking for whales than paying attention to their driving. I just saved you $1000, you can send me a few bucks to my CashApp. Just Kidding!

Tips for Whale Watching

If you are staying in Kihei, Wailea, Maalaea, Lahaina, Kaanapali or Napili, you have a good chance at seeing them. You could look out to the ocean from your honeymoon sweet, go to the Pali lookout or you could opt to do a whale watching tour.

If you’ll be watching under the sun, don’t forget your sunglasses and sunscreen <– New laws as of October 1, 2022.

Make sure to bring something that brings you closer to the action. The newest phones have great zoom options. You could bring a fancy DSLR, or you can bring a set of quality binoculars or cheap binoculars.

Be patient! Right when you turn around to ask, “Where are the whales?”, is when it will be breaching and you’ll miss your shot.


Woohoo! The whales are here. If you are visiting during the season, I hope you get to record or snap some pics of them breaching (money shot). While you are on Maui, you can also visit the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary Visitor Center.

As Always… Be Safe! Have Fun! Aloha!

Check out the news article noting the first sighting of 2022.

Oh and if you’ll be heading to the beach, read this first.